
CEE Research Data Request

Questions marked with a * are required
CEE welcomes all requests for research data. Before considering your inquiry, we ask that you:

1.  Acknowledge that you have read and understand the External Study Data Request Process.
2.  Complete and sign the External Study Data Confidentiality Agreement and send to research@effectiveness.org.  
3.  Carefully complete the form below.

Please note the following:

CEE will not report raw data for groups smaller than 5 for any sensitive data fields that you request (e.g., demographics), as they may identify individuals. All raw data is de-identified (e.g., removing first and last name, street address, program name). Fees may be applied to raw data requests based on the scope of the request.

All those who receive data through CEE must first complete a Data Confidentiality, Academic Integrity, and Non-Disclosure Agreement.

Additionally, all those who receive data through a CEE data request are required to complete a short, simple 6-month follow-up survey to inform the CEE Research Team about the status of the research and provide/present the defended dissertation to CEE.   You will receive a link to the survey 6 months after your data request is filled. The date for sharing your defended dissertation with CEE will be scheduled at a mutually agreed upon day and time.

If you have any questions, please contact the CEE Research Team at research@effectiveness.org
I have read and understand the External Study Data Request Process

Agreement statement:
i.    The data can be used only for the specific requested reasons or purposes.
ii.   The data cannot be re-released in any form to any other individual or entity for any purpose.
iii.  The source of the data must be properly cited in any published works in any format, or in other forms of dissemination of the
       data in whole or part.

iv.   Violation of these stipulations may result in forfeiture of any further access to CEE data.
v.    The data will be stored on a password-protected server (e.g., not a portable flash drive).
I have downloaded the External Data Study Confidentiality Agreement and will sign and submit it to research@effectiveness.org

Enter your contact information below.
Enter the contact information of the primary investigator, or researcher, below.
List the name(s), affiliation(s), and contact information (e.g., email address, phone number) of any co-investigators or supporting researchers.
Enter the name and location of the organization with which you are affiliated
Provide the name and contact information of your immediate supervisor or advisor:
What data are you requesting? Include the following in your description: • Name of data source (e.g., EES Student Survey, ISDD data) • Years in which the survey or source was administered (e.g., 2011-2012) • List of all variables requested • Type of data file requested (e.g., SPSS, Excel)
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